Saturday 28 September 2019

Jammu & Kashmir beyond Article 370; A Stride to Glittering Future

The abrogation of article 370 & 35A was perceived by majority of Indians as an extremely bold political decision ever taken by any government in history of independent India. The spirited decision was momentous and long overdue for a very long time. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again vindicated his political perfectionist and courageous image built over the years in his public life. The assertive decision on highly controversial constitutional provisions proved willingness of current leadership of India to go extra miles towards national integrity, national security and for general distinctiveness of India. The BJP and allies have always had maintained Article 370 & 35A to be as a scar on Indian democratic system. The existence of article 370 had became national talking point after series of bold decisions like demonetization, Surgical Strike and Air strike on terrorist hotbeds in Pakistan were taken by Narendra Modi government. The Narendra Modi government kept national interests above political consequences, objectives and for that matter everything else while taking this historic decision. The BJP’s poll manifesto had clearly indicated their firm stands on Article 370 & 35A. So, it would be fairly unfair to call abrogation of these temporary constitutional provisions as impulsive and subjective political decision.

  The continuation of these temporary articles with Indian constitution for such an extended period itself was against constitutional moralities and also proved dissipated intentions of ruling political class for all these years. The many opponent political parties, despite political differences, had extended their support to the Government on this controversial issue for obvious cause of national integrity. All such opposition parties also need to be eulogized for displaying high level of political maturity on national integrity. The Indian constitution clearly describes inclusion of article 370 & 35A to be as temporary provision. The majestic win of Narendra Modi in 2019 elections had augmented and fueled hype over these concerns among the people and media equally. The decision has effectively symbolized Narendra Modi’s accepted political image in Indian political field.  
Since, special rights of J&K are part of history now and every possibility for drawing back on the matter is over and done with perpetually. There is no room for any hindsight on subject matter for the regime at the moment.  Hence, it must be accepted by one and all eternally that Jammu & Kashmir is now a regular Union Territory of India. The Government of India has also successfully taken international community onboard on the matter. Those handful individuals protesting against abrogation of such illicit constitutional provisions were real beneficiaries and were propagating separatist dogma in Kashmir by using such illegal constitutional provisions as shield. These so-called separatists and detached political class of Pakistan must now make peace with their elongated fantasy against India. The Indian regime will not bow down for few stray discontented elements who keep howling every now and then in the valley. The government is firm and am sure will not take any notice of such rogue elements in order to achieve larger democratic objectives for welfare of the people of the region.  The majority people in valley are rational and stand firmly with Government decision. These articles have stood against national integrity and have also dented democratic philosophy to an unparalleled level in the state of J&K. The common people of J&K were never any beneficiary party in the whole dirty game plan of such temporary articles. Hence, removal of these constitutional articles is rejoiced by majority of the citizens in the state. 

The underlying intention behind removal of these so-called special rights was an idea of empowering youth, women and every segment of society with concept of national integrity and distinct national identity.  The common people of state were hitherto overlooked and suppressed in J&K. The extended association of article 370 & 35 A with state had only safeguarded the interests of few mendacious dynasties political leaders of J&K and separatists groups of the valley. The wrongdoings of perfidious dynastical politics and treacherous separatists of the valley were fortified by means of these special rights. These groups thrived and enjoyed freedom of doing anything of their choice in the valley. The imprudence of Indian political class let politicians like Abdullahs, Muftis and separatists of J&K enjoy exemption from all Indian laws framed by the parliament. These articles also helped Pakistani political and religious establishments to disseminate anti-India doctrines in regular kashmiri youth through their stooges.  The narratives of separate identity for Jammu & Kashmir were sponsored by Pakistan and steadily flourished under these constitutional provisions. The Pakistan based political and radical religious fundamentalists who detest idea of India for its inclusiveness and economical affluence in the last few decades have emotionally blackmailed youth in the valley. The future of ordinary Kashmiri youth, humanity and national interests were destroyed by the monumental slip-ups made by our political leadership in New Delhi of endorsing such temporary articles in our constitution. 

The lack of infrastructure & industrialization and high rate of illiteracy & unemployment in the state enlightens about perfidious political objectives of political class of J&K. The successive state governments lead by self centric political parties had only labored for self gain and fulfilled their political objectives. The ordinary kashmiri population and their aspirations were deliberately overlooked for decades. The fanaticals among youth were purposely targeted by selfish influential local politicians of valley in order to fulfill their opinionated objectives. The innocent youth from ordinary background were utilized by crook politicians for fulfilling personal objectives and also brainwashed them on religious beliefs for many years. Consequently, dismayed by such ecosystem of state, many young individuals succumbed to these felon tricks and made to indulge in antinational activities. These articles created favourable ecosystem for and separatists and Pakistani hatemongering class for propagating their agenda of religious indoctrination. 

The people in valley need to think rationally and understand the ground realities that demands for separate identity for state of Jammu & Kashmir is an absolute baloney and also futile in new India. The fantasy harbored by politically motivated few individuals in valley has come to an end by abrogation of these articles. The unchallenged political adventurism of few mighty political parties in the state has been successfully chased down by single historical decision. The suppressed concerns and desires of kashmiri people will now be fulfilled by new political class with devoted mindset towards its people in the state. The changed political situation in state will sow seeds of new political generation with nationalist principles stamped to contribute greatly towards development of Jammu and Kashmir and its people.
The concept of propagating war against indian secular ideology with redical mindset can never be an accommodating and beneficial idea for Jammu & Kashmir’s future. The people need to realize that India is home to 2nd largest Islamic population in the world after Indonesia. The muslims across teh diffrent states are thriving and leading successful life with various types of businesses, Jobs and entrepreneurship in India. The new scenario in state will also change the fortune of people of J&K. The new avenues for development, tourism and employment opportunities will be generate positive environment for the people.  The peace in valley will prevail and class of self centric politicians will automatically be replaced with new political faces for representation of the people of state of Jammu & Kashmir. 

The Golden era of tourism will returned to state with current administrative efforts. The peace will triumph over clamor of separatism in the valley. The music of santoor will outmaneuver blares of guns and bullets. The apple gardens will be full of hustle and bustle with farming activities. The pristine new gusts of transformation and development will propel Jammu & Kashmir into greater orbits of success and accomplishment. The icy Gulmarg glaciers and mountains will see greater influx of tourists. The ordinary people in state will witness a new lease of life after new ambiance in surroundings. The new tourist spots and existing tourist spots will be renovated to attract more tourists in the valley. The prominent business families have also expressed their willingness for creating new business entities like IT parks, hotels, production facilities in the valley. The Indian laws which hitherto were not permitted in the state will now ensure better law and order situation for business and common people equally in the state.  The increased healthy economical activities and multiple employment opportunities for locals will increase per capita income of the state which will eventually change the mindset of youth of the valley. The militancy age will surely fade away from the state and glittering future is definitely in store for the people of Jammu & Kashmir.  

© Prakash Bishnoi, Petty Officer (Veteran)

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